Original topic:

Modes and Routines

(Topic created on: 05-04-2024 11:53 AM)
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Hi there! So I was new to using the routines feature. I've created some of them accordingly my usage, and made them as widgets so I can quickly access them. Different moods, different spotify playlists, at different volumes. Now that I get to know what these routines are and what they have the potential to do, I think I'm going to make a lot of widgets, like widgets for 40% volume, 30% volume and 50% volume for my galaxy buds. Btw, I was concerned about having too much routines on my phone can somehow slow my phone ot not? 
So tell me, does too much routines slow down the phone, and how do you use the routines on your phones? 
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
A few that I created.1714803847296.jpgScreenshot_20240504_114446_One UI Home_1000032352_1714803289.pngScreenshot_20240504_114451_One UI Home_1000032353_1714803293.png
Expert Level 2
Galaxy S
Some routines may drain the battery because they may contain background processes.
There is no issue creating multiple routines and modes, but make sure that these routines and modes don't interfere with each other. Otherwise, you face glitches....
If my answer is helpful to you, then mark this my answer post 'helpful' and help other Galaxy users to find this post helpful 😊
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
I also want to try it .. what is the best creative in which you used it ??
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Like I said, I'm new to it, but these are some of what I created.Screenshot_20240504_175133_Modes and Routines_1000032394_1714825293.pngScreenshot_20240504_175156_Modes and Routines_1000032395_1714825316.pngScreenshot_20240504_175239_Modes and Routines_1000032396_1714825359.pngScreenshot_20240504_175303_Modes and Routines_1000032397_1714825383.png
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

As per your query, we want to inform you that there is no type of issue in your device by using multiple routines. If you are facing any type of issue in future, kindly feel free to get in touch with us.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support