Original topic:

Display lines

(Topic created on: 01-15-2023 06:08 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
Samsung note 20 ultra display pink line ekak giya,oyala danawada ai kiyala


Galaxy Note
Unfortunately that's a common issue with some Galaxy flagships. When this happens it's very unfair for the consumers specially in SL.
Galaxy Note
Yeah that's absolutely fair.
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
Lets connect for this
Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
Eka nm FB eke dakka Note 20 Ultra , S22 vge godk device vla awilla kiyala tibba kattiya. Specially OS upgrade eken passe 🙄 OLED display thiyena phone wlta ena awulk da kiyla hitaganna ba
Galaxy Note
මමත් හිතන්නේ os eke aulak තමා
Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
හරිනං ඉතින් Upgrades හොඳටම දෙන්න ඕන flagship device වලට😅😂samsung ලා එකේ අනික් පැත්ත. Mid range ඒවාට එහෙම up එකෙන් කිසිම ලෙඩක් ඇවිත් නෑ දන්න තරමින් නන්..
Galaxy Note
Ow bn aparadei meka
Expert Level 2
Galaxy Note
I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G. It's possible that the green line on the display is a common problem that other users have reported. If this is the case, Samsung may have issued a software update or a recall for the device to address the issue.

I would recommend contacting Samsung customer support to report the problem and ask if there is a known issue with the device and if there is a solution available.

They may also be able to provide further assistance and troubleshoot the issue, and they may be able to repair or replace the device if it is still under warranty.

Be sure to click the 3 dots and " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Thanks... 👍