Original topic:

Samsung Galaxy M31 heating problem

(Topic created on: 11-06-2020 09:37 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

Dear Samsung,


This is with is related to the heating problem of Samung M31 which many users have come across.

As you can observe many of Samsung M31 users has complained about the heating issue but still relevant authorities has not admited this problem and no resolution has been given so far. When an users comment on the heating issue common automated resolution tips such as close background apps, optimize the device, uninstall unnecessary apps etc. send you all.


Please note that you have developed M31 with octa core processor and 6/8 GB ram to multi task and use apps consumer preferences. If you suggested to users not to keep background apps then the device get overheat, it's not a falt of the user but it's a major problem of your product. I'm so surprised the Samsung engineers didn't check this problem prior releasing M31.


This not a problem that one or two customers facing but all the customers who purchased M31 from various countries. 


Please don't sent send unnecessary resolution to cover up your falty.It has been months now users are complaining about but up to now Samsung company have not even open their eyes.


All these user are using smart phones not for the first time. All of them are having experience in using a smartphone. But non of them are buy smart phones to "TOST BREAD OR BOIL EGGS OR WATER" beacuse right now these are what users  doing from M31 with the heat issue. 


You all have introduced these kind of community platforms to get insights and concerns of the customers and provide prompt reply and resolution to their pain points. Indroucing products with errors and bugs makes a huge dissatisfaction among customers and which will leads customers to consider other competitors. 


Also note that most customers are doing resurch before they purchase a device and people look on these community platforms and their reviews. Negative comments and feedbacks will lose customers for Samsung.


Open your eyes and go back to your drawing books and see what you can do to overcome this problem. No point of launching various models to the market if can't fix problem like this. If you all fail to  do such admit that it's falt of yours (like Note 7 batteryfalt) inform the customer to return the device and get a money back.


Disappointed M31 customer.




Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
My friend had so many issues with M31. After broken his phone with no booting, Samsung replaced the motherboard and he told me all issues are gone.
Active Level 10
Galaxy M
Guess you looked for nipoo's solution.......seems no one out there who are capable of replying 🙂