Original topic:

To Team samsung

(Topic created on: 06-14-2022 08:34 PM)
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Galaxy A
Team Samsung i have some questions need to be clarified 
1. Will you guys provide HDR VIDEO support in YouTube for A53 in future updates.
2. With future updates can you provide extra graphics settings and stable gameplay for the game not working properly now, like call of duty mobile only support medium graphics for now, can u guys fix it now or it is in the hands of game developers?
3. I face heating issue will it be solved in future updates.
4. If you guys can't solve anyone of the above problems can you take my A53 back and give me my money back so i could buy better and powerful S21FE.

Notes: This phone has so many good future which other phones don't, but even the cheapest m52 has HDR support in YouTube but my premium midrange don't this one thing made me to hate the phone 😡
Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
Game graphics will get increased after future updates because of new chip
Do factory data reset or see this video https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.NetmedsMarketplace.Netmeds for solution
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Galaxy A
Galaxy A

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Samsung Customer Support

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Galaxy A
Link please