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APPLE SLOWONG DOWN PHONES - officially confirmed, without a doubt.

(Topic created on: 03-04-2020 06:19 PM)
Active Level 7
Consumer Electronics
Apple has been intentionally slowing down older iphones without letting the users know, and now they have to pay. (literally)

It has been a rumor for a while that Apple was slowing down iPhones to make customers buy new ones. Last year, they got sued for that, after which they made a statement, saying that they were indeed doing this, but with an intention of "reserving the battery of older iphones"


Android users weren't buying it. they saw right through Apple's lies, but iPhone users were still defending the company, because nothing was official at the time.

The USA government started an investigation about the matter, which has now reached a conclusion:

Apple has been slowing down older iPhones behind the users' backs, and there is no proof that the battery actually benefits from this.

They were fined with half a billion (500 million) US Dollars and they are also obliged to give out small paychecks to users whose phones they have slowed down.



                        Personal Commentary

I really dont know how people can trust a company after such thing, if this was Samsung the media would drag them to hell and people would cancel them twice. 

This is why you shouldn't buy iphones. Whether it's the small things (no more dongle, no fast chargers for most flagships) or huge things like this, the customers are getting ripped off more and more, yet people don't want to see this. 

Apple, which was once the leader and the number one innovator has turned into a money hungy company with no innovation after Steve Jobs passed away and now, this is more apparent than ever.

(screenshots via Front Page Tech)
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Consumer Electronics