Original topic:

Music apps capsule

(Topic created on: 11-16-2021 11:36 PM)
Active Level 6
A "Music apps" capsule has been added to Bixby voice recently which I (and a lot like me) awaited so much to play and control songs on Spotify.

BUT, when I ask bixby to play some song via spotify, the song is searched on Spotify and the results get played one by one – ultimately what we hear is iterations of same song. Whereas when google assistant plays the song for me, songs that get played after the requested song are recommendations based off the song/autoplay. Spotify is famous for this autoplay recommendations and Bixby lets us down in this regard.

Developers, please fix it. I like using bixby, but google assistant always takes the lead in such short but important things.

Thanks for listening out!