I'm amazed to have Samsung cloud, it's really a huge enhancement to have some of my data synced through multiple devices that I have, such as contacts that I can access from my table or phone, unfortunately I'm type of person that have more than one ...
Totally agree with you. But at least they should leave an option to let the consumer choose. I am not the only one having this issue. Believe me, no one uses the Samsung browser. Instead, they should replace it. At least with messages sync, since Sam...
اذا تتحدث عن تحديثOne UI 3 for note 9مافي تحديث رسمي من شركة سامسونج لكن بإمكانك تنزله من موقع طرف ثالث لكن بيعرضك للخطر ومحد بيتحمل المسؤليه اذا صار شي لجهازك بتكون على مسؤليتك الخاصه انا جربت هذا الشي علىNote 8وضبط لكن للعلم بعض خدمات سامسونج وغيره...