Android 11 experience on A50 in short,This time Samsung seems done Justice with A50 users. After Update phone become butteey smooth and I feel like switching it fromsecondary phone to primary again. But camera status avoiding me to do so. I may not b...
Dear Samsung team,Updated to 3.1 and thanks a lot for super surprise. I have 1 small issue. Whenever i going to edge lightening the effects are not applying be it eclipse, heart, echo or spotlight. Rather none is working. Is it Happening to specific ...
Dear Samsung, A50 mobile Call blocking facility is not at all working. I tried by single no as well as unknown contacts. But still i am getting call from that number as well as unknown contacts.Please rectify this, hope no 1 had raised this query
When we expect One UI 2.1 in Galaxy A50, news doing round the corner that soon we may taste the 2.1 version. Can Samsung thro some light on this ? Or this is also suspence