My files with my photos are gone. My files disappeared with my photos that I transferred from my old phone and that after the July update I did not find any photo file transferred from my old phone only existing photos taken with my new phone galaxy ...
All this I did, but I did not find them until I entered files I did not find the names of files in the memory Aslan settled everything I mentioned and searched the phone completely I did not find them all this because of the July update.
لم اقوم بعمل نسخه او نقل للملفات في وقت اختفاء ملفات الصور المشكله كل الملفات الي نقلتهم من جوالي القديم هم الي اختفو وذالك بعد تحديث شهر يوليو وماعرفة شنو السبب سائلة اخي عنده نفس جوالي GalaxyS24Ultra وصار معه نفس المشكله