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Hi dear all Samsungians, Last week I purchased #SamsungM30s, as all you know guys its come with 6k mAh battery with Fast Charging But its take up to 5hours plus to fully charged.Let me know if its normal as it's too much annoying me 
Hi Samsung lovers, Most of Samsung user facing issue after updating  their Android 7 to 8 oreo such as camera, Wifi, Mobile Data, music.We can fix it in very simple ways After upgrading Oreo just do is hard reset but if you don't want to hard reset y...
Disable all of Google preinstalled apps **** as Chrome, Drive, Dou, Gmail, Google, Google play music.You can gain more internal space and you mobile device will be more efficient and faster Samsung have all alternatives apps which you will disable ...
J3, J5pro, J7 pro Oreo update september 2018
any feed back Regarding J6 2018 ? is it worth to buy ?good and bad things anyone can suggest me give me suggestion if you are already using it