Peace and mercy of God be upon youI have a question about creating a shortcut to the applications of the safe folder to the main screen previously in Android Noga 7.0 was present and now there have been two for the system Oryo 8.0.0 has disappeared t...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته لدي سؤال بخصوص انشاء اختصار لتطبيقات المجلد الآمن الى الشاشة الرئيسية سابقا في اندرويد نوجا 7.0 كانت موجودة والان حدثت جهازي لنظام اوريو 8.0.0 اختفت هذه الميزة وهذا امر سلبي طبعا كيف استطيع ارجاعها الآن
Peace and mercy of God be upon youI have a question about creating a shortcut to the applications of the safe folder to the main screen previously in Android Noga 7.0 was present and now there have been two for the system Oryo 8.0.0 has disappeared t...
My problem is when they made a call and I set call volume at a certain level does not remain in this setting, but returns to its original level in the new call !!!! How can I get rid of this problem? Please help as soon as