Original topic:

Suggestions for DeX

(Topic created on: 08-17-2020 04:53 PM)
Active Level 1
Samsung DeX
some of these may already have been suggested before, just figured i'd share my thoughts

NOTE: these are for Samsung DeX, not One UI
- Setting that prevents the phone from charging past a set percentage while docked, to prolong the battery's life
- "Key mapping" to enable touchscreen-only games to be played with a keyboard/gamepad, similar to what android emulators on PC use
- Custom wallpaper support
- Cursor speed scaling (so cursor speed is consistent from phone screen to external display)
- Continued DeX updates for older phones (i.e. S8, Note 9)
- Customizable info area (row of icons on the bottom right)
- More taskbar positions (Left, Top, Right)
- Forced fullscreen option for apps (top bar and taskbar hide until hovered over) forgot about F11
- Black cursor option

thanks for reading (if you did)
Expert Level 1
Samsung DeX
Hi, for your first requirement, I use Bixby routines to open timer automatically if I plug in the charger. I always set timers while charging and prevents it going beyond 80%.
Some keyboard settings are seen in accessibility settings. Please have a look. Also please install One hand operation+ app by Samsung (if you haven't done yet) for better taskbar and navigation options. Thank you.
Active Level 1
Samsung DeX
thank you for the tips! i didnt know that bixby routines could limit charging, but what i meant by key mapping is similar to BlueStacks where if you press a key you can set it to simulate a tap, slide or double tap on a set area

thank you for the comment though, it's nice to see active people in the DeX community 😄
Active Level 1
Samsung DeX
also, how can i set routines to automatically open a timer?
Expert Level 1
Samsung DeX
If you haven't launched your Bixby routines app,
Goto, Settings> Advanced features> Bixby routines(switch ON and open) > Settings(from three dots) > Show Bixby routines icon. So you can get access directly from the app screen(menu).
BixBy routines are full of IF>THEN automations. (eg. IF charging> Then open 'clock').
Community Manager
Samsung DeX

Hello! Thanks for your suggestions. We have shared this to the concerned team. We look forward that it can be considered.


Community Manager
Samsung DeX

Just sharing to you some status about your request:


  • - Setting that prevents the phone from charging past a set percentage while docked, to prolong the battery's life
    [Ans] Will escalate for batteries with possible compatibility

    - "Key mapping" to enable touchscreen-only games to be played with a keyboard/gamepad, similar to what android emulators on PC use
    [Ans] Escalated to concerned team

    - Custom wallpaper support
    [Ans] Escalated. The Downloaded wallpaper are not visible on "set wallpaper"

    - Cursor speed scaling (so cursor speed is consistent from phone screen to external display)
    [Ans] Cannot replicate issue.  Can you create a separate thread with full details of it.

    - Continued DeX updates for older phones (i.e. S8, Note 9)
    [Ans] To be check 

    - Customizable info area (row of icons on the bottom right)
    [Ans] Will be check if it is  similar to Windows where the user can hide, view, some icons.

    - More taskbar positions (Left, Top, Right)
    [Ans] Changing Taskbar location. Will escalate

    - Black cursor option
    [Ans] Escalated
Active Level 1
Samsung DeX
Thank you for the status update. The cursor issue isn't really much of an issue, but the charging limiter while docked is probably the most useful one. Can't wait to see DeX gradually improve!
Active Level 3
Samsung DeX
any updates