Original topic:

Welcome to the Samsung's Exclusive club

(Topic created on: 4 weeks ago)
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
There are many Galaxy users who are already in this club but didn't knew, since they never asked about this.
Well I am talking about the recent Samsung galaxy phone users, from budget A series to mostly flagship S series. I have read many posts of users about phone fault in motherboard or green/pink line issue after software update, in few instances heavy lag after updates. That's the "club", damaged motherboard and display issues club after software/security update.
Recently I checked the smartphone market share for 2024 online and say that there were less Samsung phones sold this time. It maybe due to posts on Samsung display and motherboard issues on reddit and other platforms. But I hope Samsung fixes it and provide free replacement starting from S25 series.
I appreciate the hardwork ghet have done in software development but the updates cause hardware problems. It might be due to poor hardware used in Galaxy phones. So, I wish that they increase the warranty for these kind of problems soon.
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Samsung evil
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We appreciate your ongoing support and trust in Samsung. we are continuously working to make our products better and more efficient, and it is our best endeavour to provide an invincible experience at Samsung. However, we have taken it as your valuable feedback. As for now, your device is running with the latest updates. If your will eligible to get the next Android update you will be notified.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Active Level 6
Galaxy S
I appreciate that you are taking steps to provide software updates but my concern is about the A, S series devices which got green/pink line and motherboard issues after updates. I was considering to upgrade my and my family members Samsung A series phones to S25ultra and few S25s. But these made me unsure that if I upgraded to ggese premium devices, after few years the phone could possibly face same issues and there is no warranty if display or motherboard issue arise after later updates.
I would consider buying S25 if Samsung announces extended warranty against display and motherboard. I know it is possible to give extended warranty if the device having issues while being in almost new mint condition.
Or I might wait for S26 to get user replaceable battery and better user Repairabilty. It all depends upon whether my A34 and A35 devices I bought recently get extremely damaged or any other issues.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Their sakes have plummeted bcoz Samsung phones are over priced, they lack many basic functions(app lock tho thy hv secure folder), updates are way too slow to come by, old phones even tho capable are not upgradable AND MOST IMPORTANTLY other brands are giving better HW and SW combination at a much lesser price. Eg look at X200 pro and other models of Oppo.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Yes other brands are giving better hardware features and combined with Google Gemini they give better value with some even giving 100w chargers included in price.
In conclusion they provide 95% of what Samsung S series is giving in abiut 70-80% the price.