Original topic:

One Ui7

(Topic created on: 01-06-2025 02:50 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
When we get the latest update for One Ui7 in the UAE.

1 Solution

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Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Hi brother, I will answer your question. One ui 7 update will not come down until after the launch of the S25 Ultra. I advise you not to download the update from the sites manually and to your phone will crash and lose all data and your phone can be damaged forever and lose all its original data. So be patient a little and you'll get the original update after launch. If your question is answered correctly and beautifully, please click on three points above and click on The solution has been accepted and thank you for .your question👏

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Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Hi brother, I will answer your question. One ui 7 update will not come down until after the launch of the S25 Ultra. I advise you not to download the update from the sites manually and to your phone will crash and lose all data and your phone can be damaged forever and lose all its original data. So be patient a little and you'll get the original update after launch. If your question is answered correctly and beautifully, please click on three points above and click on The solution has been accepted and thank you for .your question👏
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
مرحبا الغالي متى بينزل التحديث بالضبط لاني حاولت انزل النسخة البيتا بس ماعرفت بس بنتظر التحديث الرسمي
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
هلا ومرحبا بك انا سوف أخبرك نحن لانحتاج النسخة التجريبية نحتاج تحديث مستقر لماذا نحتاج مستقر لأنه النسخه التجريبية تكون غير محصنه بالحمايه القويه يعمي ممكن تفقد الكثير في هاتفك للأسف المهم سوف تحصل على النسخة بعد إطلاق هاتف Samsung s25 Ultra بأذن الله ❤
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
حسنا اخي احسنت بارك الله فيك ❤ شكرا على المعلومات المهمة
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
يسعدني أن أقدم المساعدة للجميع بكل سرور. تفضّل بطلب ما تحتاجه، وسأبذل قصارى جهدي لتلبيته. أرجو أن تجدوا في خدماتي ما ينفعكم ويفيدكم. هدفنا هو تقديم الدعم وتسهيل الأمور. أتمنى للجميع يوماً سعيداً و موفقاً.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Thank U for your response for the same...Take care my dear friend
Galaxy S
UAE version got oneui 7?
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Hello and welcome, I will tell you that we do not need the trial version, we need a stable update. Why do we need stable? Because the trial version is not protected by strong protection. You may lose a lot on your phone, unfortunately. The important thing is that you will get the version after the launch of the Samsung s25 Ultra phone, God willing