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Green line issue

(Topic created on: 11-15-2024 09:19 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S


Finally my s21fe phone also has this problem

Having this problem while using the phone for a while, My heart Brocken when I saw this, is there any solution for this?

Please anyone help me 🙏, I never expecte from samsung ☹️
I trust samsung & always choose samsung, finally Samsung cheated me, Samsung please help me.
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
My s21 phone is also the same thing happened.. any recovery options?
Active Level 1
Galaxy S

I don't know about this, If there is any solution Samsung says about it 🥲
Galaxy S
Before you jump on the blame wagon, how long have u used this phone for?
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
I have been using this phone carefully for 2 years and still this has happened 😣
Galaxy S
Unfortunately this is not common only to Samsung. I know it's not right, but this is what happens to modern displays. Seems like s24 series is the only one that is safe as of now
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Any ideas for saving?
Galaxy S
There is nothing you can do about your current line. If you stop doing stuff that causes a lot of heat generation, it will slow the process down. Other than screen replacement and laser line fixing, there is no other development to reverse the process. If my comment helped you in any way, please consider hitting the 3 dot menu and accepting it as a solution. It helps me. Thank you!
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Definitely no S24U incident yet informed
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
It is frustrating that this issue is not limited to Samsung devices.

The Samsung S24U Display may have found a solution, but older displays had this issue and there was no solution at that time. Engineers are still working on it because they still cannot figure out how some random pixels get damaged without the phone being damaged.

My advice is to consider moving to a device in the S24 series. Replacing the display may not be the best option, as the cost depends on the type of display you choose to replace it with (original or third-party).

Even if the display is replaced, there is a chance that the issue may recur.

My S22 Ultra had the same issue, and the single line multiplied over time.

I am sorry that you had to go through this experience.

Apple phones may have their own display issues, such as half of the display turning green if a pixel goes off.

Even OLED TVs like Sony Bravia have been known to have similar issues.

Simply Every Display with Best technology has this greenline issue as a Con..

සියලු දේ අනිත්‍යයි 👍 කාලයක් වෙන අව්ලක්‌ නැතුව පාවිච්චි කරනපු එක ගැන සතුටුයි

Chinese devices won't give that much satisfaction 😉