Original topic:


(Topic created on: 10-13-2016 03:11 PM)
Active Level 2
Galaxy Note
My sentiment over this fiasco and how inconvenient it is for me / us now.

ATTENTION Samsung Gulf:
after my conversation with SamsungGulf Call Center Agent (minutes ago / October 13)
CS Agent : "wait for the instruction as the managers are now having meeting discussing the mechanics of recall/replacement/refund"

Its all out now from most major cities in the world. and yet Samsung Gulf is still meeting?!! it seems to me that these big wigs here in the gulf still need to think about it? why? why are they not complying with the "global recall" mechanics? whats with the meeting all about? (check the attached file below on how the US is processing the recall)

here we go again Samsung Gulf! shame.

last night I spoke to the call center agent.


He instructed me to POWER DOWN the phone and Dont use it anymore and promised me that they will contact me as soon as they get information!?

when I asked him How will you call me back if youre asking me to power down the phone?

he asked me back, why you dont have another phone?

this fellows are either not thinking, doesnt know how to listen or not aware of the fact that NOT all people here has 2 phones and later said "ok, we will call you?!"

TOTALLY INCONSISTENT!!! No customer service approach to the situation.

No apologies or whatsover. shame!

and I asked him to transfer the call to rate my expeience he hanged up the line as for sure my disatisfaction rating would prevail.

During the first recall:

They promised the same call to contact me which O never receive prior to me getting the replacement. I already got my replacement unit they never contacted me.

Just about last week I got a call asking me to if "WANT" to replace the original one and that is 11 days after using my replacement unit which I only get to know from fellow members here suggesting that Dubai Mall branch and other shops already started the process and I just walked in and got my replacement, this only appears to me that they dont have a system to see who has gotten the replacement. (or if they really keep records of their calls and contact informations of the people who called them)

My customer service experience with this Samsung Gulf hotline with this snafu and fiasco is remarkably horrible.

The result of their meeting should be sensible this time and NOT FORCING US TO TAKE S7edge as replacement as that would only mean DOWNGRADE and they must not force us to take another samsung device.

A full refund should be in order (I dont expect any credits from this samsung gulf as with the inconvenience this has casued of of all here in the region as if they would thought about that they should have done it already in the beginning)

enough reason to opt for a FULL REFUND. I want my money back and move out of Samsung.

We all have good reasons and intentions why we patronized this amazing Samsung Note 7 phone and probably why we upgraded from our S7, edge, Note 5 or previous variants and probably even shifted from other OEMs / OS. Its a shame that this phone is almost perfect yet flawed enough to be recalled not just once but twice and yet Samsung Gulf seems to have forgotten our loyalty in the region that has given the brand a premium appeal.

What I dont understand is that why Samsung Gulf cannot comply with the global recall mechanics which is very simple and practical whereas other countries are now implementing?

Samsung should understand that "a loyal customer will always be loyal no matter what". HOPEFULLY, they will be sensible enough in the region NOT to force us to get S7edge or S7 as replacement, we DESERVE our money / cash back as this is caused by Samsung itself as global recall NOT customer inflicting refund.

I hope they will NOT give us Samsung Voucher amounting to the note7 price that can only be used to purchase another samsung product.

We deserve our MONEY back in cash in a form of a refund.21789510-908c-4ecf-9d5c-874e9591bc36.jpg
Active Level 3
Galaxy Note
How long it 'll take to make a decision
Active Level 5
Galaxy Note
i had the exactly the same conversation with same"robot" of the call center!! really shame on samsung gulf
Active Level 4
Galaxy Note
why does US get the best options and in UAE we are treated like nobody. we paid the same amount or even more. when i visited the store i had wait after i told them the reason of my visit till the agents had time to spare from his F know wat the F he was doing... and when he approached me it was the same F@$!ing robot statement which i read on the internet... is therefore a way to escalate the way samsung gulf is handling its customers .... i m pretty sure the nationality of a customer is also a factor. i have been a hardcore samsung customer right from the time they had the slide up phones to the note 7.... and the respect give in return by samsung is disgusting.
Active Level 2
Galaxy Note
I have the same sentiment with you.

SamsungGulf from Customer service hotline to the branch itself is unbelievably horrible.

This is the time when the public eye is on them and yet they generally appears to inconsistent with us. Samsung has to understand that this would not be major happening in their organization if they know how to handle the situation. This is an important time for them to win the customers loyalty and trust (which i believed other Samsung regions are now doing) yet SamsungGulf is having their afternoon Tea meeting.

while their call center agents are probably not aware of whats going on and cant be sensible enough to apologize while the ones on the branch are profiling customers according to their skin color, nationality and probably appearance.
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
oh btw this community thing is controlled by Samsung Gulf and our voices is not reaching anywhere beyond them.. so I guess nothing will happen .. it is just a place to vent out what we are suffering with them ( Samsung Gulf )
Active Level 2
Galaxy Note
yes, i do agree with you. on my recent post here it seems to me that a troll from SamsungGulf is pretending to be one of the members encouraging us NOT to believe the news initially and kept pushing on the S7edge variant, once the conversation got heated up I chose to change my name here and he commented using all my code names I used during the discussion to embarass me. how unethical is that for a moderator?
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
I published a post with the title "Samsung Minions" cause I know they are here watching and replying in a silly way
Active Level 2
Galaxy Note
yes, I read that recently and I totally agree with you on that article. I cant wait to finally be shed some light here by SamsungGulf and moved on out of this Samsung ecosystem. Coming from the extensive samsung line S2, S6edge, S7edge and Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 4edge, 5 and this Note7 I think it's about time to leave this OEM and not to be trolled by SamsungGULF trolls.
Active Level 6
Galaxy Note
Brother Samsung products are not bad and the note 7 is a rare case that will not happen again and i assure you this. my frustration is totally against Samsung Gulf and how they handled the whole issue. for me i still use my S7 and still wear the gear S2 and waiting for the S8. no plans to drop Samsung brand any time soon.