Original topic:

Samsung Galaxy M51 Display Green/ Yellow

(Topic created on: 12-12-2022 09:21 PM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
Hi Guys,

This is to inform you that as we have received OTA update in1st Oct -2022 there was major bug push in this update bySAMSUNG about screen became Green/ Yellow completely and Deep Black gone which SAMSUNG So calledSuper AMOLED + display looks likeTFT. I have attached full evidence of it you can see this, Also I had recently visitedSAMSUNG SERVICE CENTRE I knew it what they would told me after tested all the things you need to change display which cost around8000/-Rs And my phone display not even broken or any scratch nothing on display, just because customer forcefully to buy their brand new phone, because this phone completely 2 year's older now and still customer using that and howSAMSUNG will cover their Business targets. I raised complaint throughSAMSUNG MEMBERS APP even if not resolved by upcoming OTA update then I will definitely switch to other brand.




#SamsungIndia #SamsungMobile 
Satish Dutt
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

Hello There, I think I may have a Temp solution. Have tried it atleast 4 times so far and all times it has worked. But the point is you can make it look normal for some good time However Green tint will come back eventually. 

Something is better than nothing! Here it works in my Samsung M51.

1. Lets start with I have a Green Tint screen display

2. I ensure Always Display is in OFF position, Adaptive Brightness is turned off[meddling with other Display option didnt matter to my phone]

3. I just Open Youtube and play some video for say 10 mins or so. 

Voilaa! all 4 times I have tried the screen comes back to normal within that time and it stays Normal for few hrs. Unless you play some long video again or meddle with Display settings

Active Level 6
Galaxy M
And how much brightness percentage you keep while playing video?