Original topic:

Samsung please close your company in India...

(Topic created on: 04-15-2022 08:03 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy J
My humble request to Samsung is to please close your company in India so that people will live peacefully here.... Hello everyone, I am from Karnataka. using Samsung M31s from October 15, 2020. It's been 1 year 5 months from using my phone, I took atmost care of my phone but... After updating the recent software update my phone is automatically switching off and switching on continuously for 20 to 25 minutes 7 times a day. I am not able to do or receive any call or message during this time.I am extreamly angry about Samung for rolling out such a bad software update. Then I took the phone to service centre and they told to replace the mother board which costs 8500 Rs, and they don't give any guarantee that the problem will solve after replacing the mother board.. My humble request to Samsung is to please close your company in India so that people will live peacefully here....
1 Comment
Galaxy J

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We acknowledge your query and apologize for the same. We would request you to register your concern in Samsung Members Application. So, our concern team gets back to you as soon as possible.

Please follow this path to register your concern in Samsung Members Application (Open Samsung Members Application > Get help > Send Feedback > Error report/Ask questions).

Note. please attach the error log file within 15 minutes of the error occurring.

Thank you for writing to Samsung. 
Warm Regards, 
Samsung Customer Support