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Security patch update December A55 5G

(Topic created on: 12-20-2024 03:22 AM)
Active Level 8
Galaxy A


Samsung has released a fresh update for the Galaxy A55 smartphone, which brings a December 2024 security patch to improve system security and stability. The update is currently available in Europe and the company will expand it to more countries soon.

December 2024 security update for Samsung Galaxy A55 arrives with One UI build version A556BXXU6AXL2 in Europe. The installation package size of this update is around 300MB. You can install it via Settings >> Software Updates >> Download and install.

The company is dispatching the latest software update with system security improvements to keep your files and data safe on your phone. It also optimizes system stability to offer you uninterrupted and seamless functionality on your device.


Notably, the December 2024 security patch resolves over 45 security vulnerabilities, including six classified as critical and 28 as high-level, as identified by Google. Additionally, this update addresses one vulnerability that was previously fixed in earlier releases, along with one that does not apply to Samsung devices.

Moreover, Samsung has also implemented fixes for two high-level vulnerabilities affecting its semiconductor products. Along with these updates, the patch includes 8 security fixes under the Samsung Vulnerabilities and Exposures (SVE) related to Theme Center, Galaxy Watch Bluetooth connectivity, SmartSwitch, and Dex Mode.

It is important to install the update on your Galaxy device to open up the way for the next update. Currently, Samsung is internally testing the One UI 7 build for the Galaxy A55 and this smartphone will get this major update next year.


1 Comment
Galaxy A
now its available in middle east