Original topic:

Samsung galaxy s24 plus exynos 2400 bad reception when it come to 4g or 5g

(Topic created on: 12-25-2024 10:40 AM)
Active Level 1
جالاكسى S
 I have been experiencing with my Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus (Exynos 2400) I bought from Vodafone lastJuly, this issue started October the 5th after an update **Description of the Issue:** - Despite having full signal strength, my phone calls and mobile connection have become unreliable. - Callers are frequently unable to reach me, and I appear to be out of reach even with full signal bars. - This issue is consistent across two different carriers (SIM and eSIM), and both encounter the same problems. - The connectivity issues are isolated to my home only and I noticed it's fixed if I turn off adaptive power saving, olso calls and mobile data work fine in other locations. **Steps I Have Taken:** - Conducted a hard reset on the device. - Verified and reinserted SIM cards. - Updated the device to the latest software version. - Reset network settings. - Tested the device in safe mode to rule out third-party app interference. Unfortunately, none of these steps have resolved the problem. I would appreciate your urgent assistance in resolving this matter, as it significantly impacts my ability to stay connected.

جالاكسى S

Hello. I’m Aya, Samsung Moderator
Thank you for asking the question
We wish you a happy day
Based on your inquiry regarding the update

For the phone network

With your permission, we follow some steps as follows:

Settings - More - More Networks - Mobile Networks - Network Mode - You choose a network other than the network used
You can try airplane mode and then turn it on again to activate the network

You can test the network through *#0011#

In case the other chip is working, the problem is in the first chip and please contact the network developer for the chip
In case the problem persists while trying the other chip, please factory reset the device.

Ensure all user data is backed up using smart switch 
from the link below and then use the backup tool to create a data backup 
If you’re still facing the same issue, kindly take the device to the service center to check on it.
Your permission to activate maintenance mode before entering the device to the maintenance center
To protect your personal data
The function of maintenance mode is to protect your privacy while someone else is using your phone, such as when you send it for repair.
This feature prevents access to personal data on the device. In maintenance mode, your personal data, including photos, messages, and accounts, cannot be accessed, and only pre-installed applications are available.
Activate maintenance mode as follows:
First, you will need to unlock your phone to turn off maintenance mode.
Second, go to Settings > Device care > Maintenance mode > Activate
If the issue wasn’t resolved you can honor us with your visit to the nearest service location in order to diagnose the device and solve the issue.
If the device enters the maintenance center, a factory reset should not be performed to enable a better examination and solution to the problem.
You can send us your city and residential area to send you the nearest service center or you can follow the link below to find the nearest one :

If you have any other question, can you explain it to us
We are  at your service always
Thanks for your time

Active Level 1
جالاكسى S
Umm like I said it's in my house only and deactivating adaptive power saving fix it, now why does adaptive power saving do that!