Original topic:

Bugs & performance issues in S10

(Topic created on: 06-06-2019 08:16 AM)
Beginner Level 2
جالاكسى S
Please identify the bugs, issues and lagging you are facing in new s10.

Some of the performance related issues I faced are;

1- Fingerprint scanner is not very responsive. Some time it took multiple try to unlock the phone.

2 - No mute option in camera settings. Everytime you have to mute from volume settings.

3 - Battery drains very fast on camera usage.

4 - No option in notifation bar for unchecking the adaptive brightness. 

5 - No notification led option or charging indicator. However there are third party app for such operation.

6 - front camera is blurry in low light

7 - Bixby button can't be mapped to Google assistant

8 - low speaker volume is some app like Facebook messenger, YouTube, etc.

9 - Suggestion, to speed up the unlocking it's better to remove the OK button in passcode method. Once the password of 4 digit is enter the phone should be unlock directly

I was mate 10 pro user before and recently migrated to s10 but I am not happy with the capabilities and responsiveness of Samsung os. 

Taha Shahzad

IT Quality and GRC expert
Active Level 4
جالاكسى S
also being so so late for sending updates
Beginner Level 2
جالاكسى S
Hello sammy m back after 5 yrs of gap. well that time ur phone was not in that state but now I can say its improve a lot but still exynos in S10 consume battery not like sd 855 I have a request hope u all make it happen two most important features r missing from S10 schedule power on n off for me this feature is a gr8 one since while u r asleep its save battery and optimise ur phone plus ur phone wakes fresh and last but not least screen off widgets I don't know most of the company providing these features y sammy is back .please hope u all Samsung developer send future updates wit these two tiny features. thank u