Original topic:

Mohammed Asheeri

(Topic created on: 01-23-2022 12:55 PM)
Active Level 3
جالاكسى نوت
The Android 12 system did not come with anything new, it is all about changing the place of actions And artificial intelligence blocks some features of the open system Make it an open system and develop applications, not procedures and buttons We want a system that swallows all systems It supports Kali Linux, supports Libre Office, and supports Android Studio gimp As for the development of Samsung phones, the work is progressing Especially the Galaxy Note series Things are moving forward But we are still dreaming of a phone that supports all the capabilities of PC He has cameras that are used as a powerful electron microscope As for the screens, I give you 100%. Exynos processors are great As well as graphics and note processors Wallace Ben is awesome Add the video clip entry to the notepad, as well as reading aloud