Original topic:

Android 9

(Topic created on: 03-31-2019 11:08 PM)
Expert Level 4
جالاكسى نوت
Is the Multi window feature supported? Yes, the Multi window feature is supported. Multi window lets you run two apps at the same time in split

screen view.

 You can also run multiple apps at the same time in
pop-up view.
Some apps may not support this feature, however.
 Split screen view
① Tap the Recents button to open the list of recently used apps.
 ② Tap the icon of the app you want to use with Multi window.
③ Tap "Open in split screen view".
④ In the bottom window, select another app.
 Pop-up view
① Tap the Recents button to open the list of recently used apps.
 ② Tap the icon of the app you want to use with Multi window.
 ③ Tap "Open in pop-up view".