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Precautions when removing the main screen protective film on the Galaxy Z Fold / Z Flip series

(Topic created on: 01-10-2025 08:00 PM)
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Precautions when removing the main screen protective film on the Galaxy Z Fold / Z Flip series


Learn about the tips and precautions when removing the protective film from the main screen of your Galaxy Z Fold and Z Flip series.




Precautions when removing the protective film

The protective film attached to the main screen of Galaxy Z Fold and Z Flip series is an official film for foldables series. If you arbitrarily remove the main screen protective film or attach a non-official film, it may cause touch abnormalities, screen damage, etc. If you need to replace the protective film during use, please visit a service centre for assistance.



Galaxy Z Flip main screen protective film




Galaxy Z Fold main screen protective film

Disable touch sensitivity

If you remove the protective film on the main screen, screen touch may not work properly because the touch sensitivity that was customised for the protective film is different. If you remove the main screen protector, disable (OFF) the touch sensitivity setting.



Step 1. Open Settings > Tap Display.




Step 2. Turn off the switch to disable the Touch sensitivity.


Last Update date : Sep 12. 2024

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الاحتياطات اللازمة عند إزالة الغشاء الواقي للشاشة الرئيسية في سلسلة Galaxy Z Fold / Z Flip


Beginner Level 2
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Active Level 6
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Its so fragile even your fingernail can make a permanent mark on it. Be careful everyone ⚠️